SHORTCUT / TOMBOL KOMBINASI akan mempermudah kita dalam memilih suatu tool tanpa harus mencari dimana letak tool tersebut, berikut adalah daftar Tombol kombinasi yang bisa kalian gunakan di Corel Draw X8 Tapi sebagian juga berfungsi di Corel Draw Versi Lain.
1. Align |
B | Align bottom |
P | Align center page |
E | Align horizontal center |
R | Align right |
T | Align top |
C | Align vertical center |
Alt+F12 | Align to baseline |
F9 | Full-screen preview |
Ctrl+W | Refresh window |
Shift+F9 | Toggle display |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Show nonprinting characters |
3. Dockers |
Ctrl+F9 | Contour |
Ctrl+F7 | Envelope |
Ctrl+F5 | Graphic and text style |
Alt+F3 | Lens |
Alt+F2 | Linear dimensions |
Alt+Enter | Object proprties |
Alt+F7 | Position |
Alt+F8 | Rotate |
Alt+F9 | Scale and mirror |
Alt+F10 | Size |
Alt+F11 | Insert symbol and special characters |
Alt+F12 | View manager |
Alt+F6 | Symbols manager |
4. Distribute Command |
Shift+B | Distribute bottom |
Shift+E | Distribute centers horizontally |
Shift+C | Distribute centers vertically |
Shift+L | Distribute left |
Shift+R | Distribute right |
Shift+P | Distribute spacing horizontally |
Shift+A | Distribute spacing vertically |
Shift+T | Distribute top |
5. General |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+Insert | Copy |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+Delete | CUt |
Delete | Delete |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Redo |
Ctrl+R | Repeat |
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Backspace | Undo |
6. File |
Ctrl+E | Export |
Ctrl+I | Import |
Ctrl+N | New document |
Ctrl+O | Open |
Ctrl+P | Print |
Ctrl+S | Save |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save as |
Ctrl+F4 | Exit |
7. Font Formatting |
Ctrl+B | Bold |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Font list |
Ctrl+Shift+W | FOnt weight |
Ctrl+I | Italic |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Smaall caps |
Ctrl+U | Underline |
Ctrl+Numpad 2 | Decrease font size |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Font size |
Ctrl+Shift+H | HTML font size |
Ctrl+Numpad 8 | Increase font size |
Ctrl+Numpad 6 | Next font combo size |
Ctrl+Numpad 4 | Previous font combo size |
Shift+F3 | Change case |
Ctrl+F8 | Convert text |
8. Dialogs |
F11 | Open fountain fill dialog |
Shift+F11 | Uniform fill dialog |
Ctrl+Shift+B | Color balance |
Ctrl+B | Brightness/intensity |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Hue/saturation |
9. Objest Nudge Commands |
Down arrow | Nudge Down |
Left arrow | Nudge left |
RIght arrow | Nudge right |
Up arrow | Nudge up |
Shift+Down arrow | Super Nudge down |
Shift+Left arrow | Super nudge left |
Shift+Up arrow | Super nudge up |
Shift+Right arrow | Super nudge right |
Shift+Down arrow | Micro nudge down |
Shift+Left arrow | Super nudge left |
Shift+RIght arrow | Super nudge right |
Shift+Up arrow | Super nudge up |
10. Object Ordering |
Ctrl+Page down | Back one |
Ctrl+Page up | Forward one |
Shift+Page up | To back |
Shift +page down | To front |
11. Outline Pen |
Shift+F12 | Open outline color dialog |
F12 | Open outline pen dialog |
13. Text Formatting |
Ctrl+M | Bullet text |
Ctrl+E | Center justify |
Ctrl+F8 | Convert text state |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Apply drop cap |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Edit text |
Ctrl+H | Force justification |
Ctrl+T | Format text |
Ctrl+J | Full justify |
Ctrl+, | Horizontal text |
Ctrl+L | Left justification |
Ctrl+N | No justification |
Ctrl+R | Right justification |
Ctrl+Period | Vertical text |
14. Zoom and Pan |
N | Navigator |
H | Hand tool |
Alt+Down arrow | Pan down |
Alt+Left arrow | Pan left |
Alt+Pan arrow | Pan up |
Ctrl+F2 | View manager |
F2 | Zoom one shot |
F3 | Zoom out |
F4 | Zoom to all object |
Shift+F4 | Zoom to page |
Shift+F2 | Zoom to selection |
15. Toolbox Tool Selection |
I | Artistic media tools |
X | Eraser tool |
F7 | Ellipse tool |
Shift | Toggle eyedropper and paint bucket |
F5 | Freehand tool |
D | Graph paper tool |
H | Hand |
G | Interactive fill tool |
M | Mesh tool |
Y | Polygon tool |
F6 | Rectangle tool |
F10 | Shape tool |
S | Smart drawing tool |
A | Spiral tool |
F8 | Text tool |
Spacebar | Toggle pick state |
16. Cursor Moves Using Text Tool |
Delete | Delete character to right |
Ctrl+Delete | Delete word to right |
Page down | Cursor down one frame |
Down arrow | Cursor down one line |
Ctrl+Down arrow | Cursor left one paragraph |
Left arrow | Cursor left one character |
Ctrl+Left arrow | Cursor left one word |
RIght arrow | Cursor right one character |
Ctrl+Right arrow | Cursor right one word |
Page up | Cursor up one frame |
Up arrow | Cursor up one line |
Ctrl+Up arrow | Cursor up one paragraph |
Ctrl+Home | Cursor to start of text |
Home | Cursor start of a line |
Ctrl+Page up | Cursor to start of text |
End | Cursor to end of line |
Ctrl+Page down | Cursor to end of text |
Ctrl+A | Select all text |
Shift+Left arrow | Select character to left |
Shift+RIght arrow | Select character to right |
Shift+Page Down | Select down one frame |
Shift+Down arrow | Select down one line |
Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow | Select down one paragraph |
Shift+Page down | Select up one frame |
Shift+Up arrow | Select up one line |
Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow | Select up one paragraph |
Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow | Select word to left |
Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow | Select word to right |
Ctrl+Shift+Home | Select to start of frame |
Shift+Home | Select to start of line |
Ctrl+Shift+Page up | Select to start of text |
Ctrl+Shift+End | Select to end of frame |